<note>This is my note ! Remember it!!</note>
<note important>Warning ! You're about to lose your mind </note>
<note tip>The clues are in the images.</note>
<note warning>Beware of the cat when you open the door !!</note>
<gchart 350x120 pie3d #0000ff #ffffff left> Apples = 3 Peaches = 23 Strawberries = 25 Peanuts = 7 </gchart>
<gchart 350×120 pie2d #0000ff #ffffff left> Apples = 3 Peaches = 23 Strawberries = 25 Peanuts = 7 </gchart> <gchart 350×120 pie3d #0000ff #ffffff left> Apples = 3 Peaches = 23 Strawberries = 25 Peanuts = 7 </gchart> <gchart 350×120 sparkline #0000ff #ffffff left> Apples = 3 Peaches = 23 Strawberries = 25 Peanuts = 7 </gchart> <gchart 350×120 line #0000ff #ffffff left> Apples = 3 Peaches = 23 Strawberries = 25 Peanuts = 7 </gchart> <gchart 350×120 hbar #0000ff #ffffff left> Apples = 3 Peaches = 23 Strawberries = 25 Peanuts = 7 </gchart> <gchart 350×120 vbar #0000ff #ffffff left> Apples = 3 Peaches = 23 Strawberries = 25 Peanuts = 7 </gchart>
{(rater>id=fq-work-overtimr1|type=vote|trace=user)} id — 唯一标识 type — vote(投票) trace — user(一人一票),ip(一个ip投一票)
<note important>
</note> {(rater>id=1|name=投票|type=vote|trace=user)}
<box width classes red| title text> contents text </box>
<box width classes red| title text> contents text </box| caption text> * classes :风格 * round — 圆角,默认尖角 * blue — 蓝色的风格 * red — 红色的风格 * green — 绿色的风格 * orange — 橘色的风格 * left — 显示在左边 * right — 显示在右边 * width 宽度,一般指定屏幕的百分比 * title text 标题 * caption text 类似页脚,一般用不上
标题1 | 标题2 | 标题3 |
(1,1) | (1,2) | (1,3) |
(2,1) | 展宽的单元格 | |
(3,1) | (3,2) | (3,3) |
标题1 | 标题2 | |
标题3 | (1,2) | (1,3) |
标题4 | 不再合并单元格 | |
标题5 | (2,2) | (2,3) |
有对齐的表格 | ||
右对齐 | 居中 | 左对齐 |
左对齐 | 右对齐 | 居中 |
xxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxxxxxx |